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2024 EEG Acquisition and Motor Imagery Classification for Robotic Control Amrani, H., Micucci, D., Nalin, M., Napoletano, P., Rizzi, I. (2024). EEG Acquisition and Motor Imagery Classification for Robotic Control. In 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp.1-4). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [10.1109/EMBC53108.2024.10782723].2020 Measuring software testability modulo test quality Terragni, V., Salza, P., Pezze', M. (2020). Measuring software testability modulo test quality. In ICPC '20: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Program Comprehension (pp.241-251). IEEE Computer Society [10.1145/3387904.3389273].2020 Evolutionary improvement of assertion oracles Terragni, V., Jahangirova, G., Tonella, P., Pezze', M. (2020). Evolutionary improvement of assertion oracles. 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